My customer's appointment has disappeared

The appointment for one of my customers was visible, and now it isn't visible any more.
Written by Adebayo
Updated 11 months ago

If you saw a customer's appointment, but then later you're unable to see it, it might be because the customer deleted the appointment.

After your customer signs her forms, the customer is NO LONGER able to delete her appointment.

However, before the customer signs her forms, she is able to delete the appointment.

Therefore, make sure you have the customer sign her forms BEFORE the appointment.

If the customer deleted her appointment, we may be able to help you restore the appointment

However, keep in mind, that if you haven't had the customer sign the forms, then the client can still have changed her answers.

To ask us to restore a customer's deleted appointment, please contact us.

You can find our email address by:

  1. Opening the PMU Forms app
  2. Clicking the "gear" icon to open up settings
  3. Then, you can click "Email support"
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